Wednesday, August 27, 2008

La Champions Mexicana o Latina

Como la ven, ya tenemos Champions en America.

Sera igual de interesante que la Europea?

Eso lo veremos con el tiempo

Sera mejor que la libertadores o que la juegan Mexico Vs USA?

Lo bueno es que los equipos mexicanos como el Cruz Azul emepezaron ganando

Pero deberian quitar tantas copas que hay en america como la libertadores, la subamericana, etc
y dejar una solo que sea como la Champions de Europa asi jugarian todos los paises de america incluyendo los del norte como USA y Canada.

Eso si estaria padre, y que el ganador jugara contra el ganador Europeo cada año

como era antes, no como ahora, eso le daria mas interes no creen.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Beijing olympics 2008

So what is better have more medals or have more gold medals.

I said more gold medals, because that is 1st place

China got more gold but USA got more medals
So what do you consider the best the one with more gold
or with more medals.

It's like NASCAR or Formula One the more races you win
or the more points that you accumulated.

Who do you consider 1st place USA or China?

Friday, August 22, 2008

MLS Soccer

You guys saw the soccer game All-Stars MLS Vs Fullham?

Our guys won 3-2, but why playing Vs a low popular team. Fullham is a European soccer team. They play in the English Premier League. Fullham is not one of the greatest teams in the world, but why they choose it, probably because they are afraid to lose, what other answer can you think or guess.

Why not having a match against Real Madrid, Milan, Manchester, Bayern Munich.

Are we so afraid of European teams or we don’t like losing in our own arena.

I hope next year they get a better team at least those on the middle of their country not the ones that belong to the low level.